Why outdoor time matters in myopia development


Originally Published: June 21, 2015
Updated: August 5, 2021

There’s no doubt that the simplest lifestyle intervention we can advise for both our at-risk pre-myopes and progressing myopes is to spend more time outdoors. This data first came to prominence in Rose et al’s 2008 paper, published in Ophthalmology.[1] Over 4000 children (half aged 12 and the other half aged 6) participating in the Sydney Myopia Survey demonstrated that 12 year olds who spent more time outdoors and less time on near work had the most hyperopic refractions, with the reverse also being true – more near work and less outdoor time means a lower level of plus. An important finding, though, was that outdoor time didn't directly trade for near work time - even the children with high levels of near work got the benefit of more time spent outdoors. This relationship was not shown for the 6 year old group. There was also no association between indoor sport and myopia, so the question begs – what defines the beneficial effect of outdoor time?

Outdoor light exposure - UV or brightness?

On discussion with savvy parents in clinical practice, there is a concern raised about UV exposure, especially here in Australia. One parent recently asked about indoor light – both her and her husband are myopic, and with her six-year-old only demonstrating R&L +0.25, he’s mostly likely heading the same way.[2] This mum asked if she should ask for her son to be sat next to the window in class? Is brighter better for indoor light? And what were the implications for an at-risk pre-myope wearing sunglasses, even if she couldn’t get her six year old to wear them yet?

It would appear that brightness rather than wavelength and hence UV exposure is the likely stronger link with myopia, with light levels outdoors being up to 500 times brighter than indoor light. Here's what we know about light and brightness, and UV protection.

  1. Animal models show that chickens, when reared under strong indoor light without UV, showed dose-dependent propensity to retard development of form deprivation myopia.[3]
  2. Myopic adults have been shown to have lower levels of long term ocular UV exposure, as measured by conjunctival autofluorescence, compared to non-myopic adults. This may be long-term evidence of these myopes spending less time outdoors, though complicated by potential use of UV blocking spectacle lenses and contact lenses.[4]
  3. Outdoor light levels are 11 to 43 times higher (11,000 to 18,000 lux) than indoors (100-150 lux). Even under tree shade, wearing a hat and wearing sunglasses, the higher lux levels protective of myopia (>1000 lux) were exceeded by 2-8 times.[5]
  4. Genetics and environment can interact - children of myopic parents spent less time outdoors in the Sydney Myopia Study.[1] Lower amounts of outdoor time could be a consequence as well as a developmental factor in myopia.

So for our savvy concerned parent, it’s likely that sitting closer to the window will be helpful to her son, even though clear glass does block a majority of incident UVA and UVB light. Wearing sunglasses blocks UV exposure and reduces brightness, but on a sunny day it’s likely that an 85% tint sunglass lens is still able to let through as much brightness, and likely more than typical bright domestic light.

What other mechanism could be involved?

The alternative viewpoint is that of Ian Flitcroft, who describes how the dioptric environment varies dramatically indoors.[6] Sitting at this computer while I type, looking at the screen, my keyboard and fingers induce hyperopic blur on my inferior retina while the world beyond my screen induces myopic defocus. Several dioptres of variation from the optical infinity across my office to at least 2-3D of blur from my keyboard is possible. However once you’re outdoors and everything is beyond 3m distance, your retina enjoys a full field of optical infinity.

Given the strong understanding of how the peripheral retina drives eye growth in both animal and human models, the benefit of outdoor time is likely to be a combination of the dioptric environment as well as brightness.

How much outdoor time is needed?

A meta-analysis of studies on the role of outdoor time in myopia development found that less than 13 hours a week (just under 2 hours a day) was associated with the highest odds ratio for incident myopia. On the basis of five studies investigating a dose response, they found that "an increase of 76 min/day, was needed to obtain a 50% reduction in incident myopia, while an increase of 1 hr/day or 7 hr/week will result in a 45% reduction in incident myopia compared with controls."[7] This is a simple, effective and achievable intervention which also may have positive effects on other child health factors such as reduction in body mass index (BMI), less sedentary behaviours, and other general health outcomes.


About Paul

Dr Paul Gifford is a research scientist and industry innovator based in Brisbane, Australia, and co-founder of Myopia Profile.


1. Rose KA, Morgan IG, Ip J, Kifley A, Huynh S, Smith W, Mitchell P. Outdoor activity reduces the prevalence of myopia in children. Ophthalmology. 2008 Aug;115(8):1279-85.
2. Zadnik K, Sinnott LT, Cotter SA, Jones-Jordan LA, Kleinstein RN, Manny RE, Twelker JD, Mutti DO; Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Ethnicity and Refractive Error (CLEERE) Study Group. Prediction of Juvenile-Onset Myopia. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2015 Jun;133(6):683-9.
3. Ashby R, Ohlendorf A, Schaeffel F. The effect of ambient illuminance on the development of deprivation myopia in chicks. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009 Nov;50(11):5348-54.
4. Sherwin JC, Hewitt AW, Coroneo MT, Kearns LS, Griffiths LR, Mackey DA. The association between time spent outdoors and myopia using a novel biomarker of outdoor light exposure. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 Jul 1;53(8):4363-70.
5. Lanca C, Teo A, Vivagandan A, Htoon HM, Najjar RP, Spiegel DP, Pu SH, Saw SM. The Effects of Different Outdoor Environments, Sunglasses and Hats on Light Levels: Implications for Myopia Prevention. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2019 Jul 18;8(4):7.
6. Flitcroft DI. The complex interactions of retinal, optical and environmental factors in myopia aetiology. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2012;31:622-60.
7. Xiong S, Sankaridurg P, Naduvilath T, Zang J, Zou H, Zhu J, Lv M, He X, Xu X. Time spent in outdoor activities in relation to myopia prevention and control: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Acta Ophthalmol. 2017 Sep;95(6):551-566.

5 thoughts on “Why outdoor time matters in myopia development”

  1. “And for our bookworm myopic kids, we do need to tell them that taking your book or ipad outdoors doesn’t count as outdoor time!”

    While this could have some relationship, other research seems to suggest any outdoor activity could be helpful. Saw, S. M., Carkeet, A., Chia, K. S., Stone, R. A. & Tan, D. T. Ophthalmology 109, 2065–2071 (2002) seems to imply reading and computer time is not strongly related to myopia when such activities are conducted outdoor. Personally, I would still suggest to children to go outside even if it is just to read a book.

  2. Hi Jacopo. Thank you for your thoughts and introducing another journal article on the topic. Given the choice between reading indoors or outdoors then the latter ticks more myopia controlling boxes, however I would add that this isn’t going to alleviate the near focus demand which is my main reasoning for the comment I made in the blog. There is still conjecture in the literature whether it is outdoors light levels or the far field of vision that is the main beneficial factor of time spent outdoors. So while I agree with your suggestion to recommend reading outdoors if this is an option, I would still add that it is equally important to balance this time with outdoor activities that promote far distance viewing, at least until we know definitively otherwise.

  3. Hi Paul,

    Do you have a suggested max screen/near work time and ideal outdoor time (per day or week?)

    Thanks for writing this interesting article! I am enjoying navigating your and Kate’s website, full of such useful information.

    Kind regards,
    Hayley Birch

  4. Hi Hayley. The research suggests at least 90 minutes outdoor time per day is idea. We currently suggest no more than 2 hours near work time per day outside of school hours, however it is currently not clear as to whether it is the total amount of time spent or continuous duration of time spent on close work that is most influential.


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