Which option to slow myopia? New Clinical Management Infographic


We’re excited to release our new clear, concise and clinically relevant infographic Which option to slow myopia?to help you with what we have learnt is the main practitioner need in myopia management, and the most popular discussion topic in the Myopia Profile Facebook group – guidance in selecting the right treatment for your patient. A world first, evidence based decision making tool, this engaging infographic provides an overview of:

  • When and how to select spectacle options
  • Selecting between soft multifocal and OrthoK options, based on considerations such as safety and astigmatism
  • When to consider atropine
  • Binocular vision considerations in both spectacle and contact lens corrections
  • Gauging success - how much refractive progression per year indicates 33% or 50% efficacy, by the child’s age.

There is a wealth of new and existing supporting material to help you put this Clinical Management Infographic into practice. Read more by clicking on any of the hyperlinks above.

Even if you don’t have access to all of these treatment strategies in your country or practice, you will find a relevant management pathway in this flow chart. Our international focus group testing, prior to release, means we’re confident you’ll find this tool extremely useful in clinical practice.

This infographic is based on our Clinical Decision Trees, and further detail on various treatments is available in the Understand the Options portal of this website. It is designed to supplement currently available references, such as the Brien Holden Vision Institute Managing Myopia Course, and their Guidelines for Myopia Management. These BHVI references provide comprehensive information on background, assessing risk of myopia development and progression, and follow up schedules. Myopia Profile’s ‘Which option to slow myopia?’ infographic provides the translation of research into clinical practice. We will continue to update the infographic, and all of these resources, by being at the cutting edge and swiftly responsive to the newest research as it becomes available.

Finally, a short explanation on why we have decided to charge for this resource, while everything else on the website remains free. This infographic, and this website, is a family labour of love for us – our daughter Rohanne did most of the artwork and our son Jack helps maintain the website! We don’t have large corporate support, and we want to continue setting the world standard in providing evidence based, balanced information on managing childhood myopia, so are charging a small fee for access to this valuable clinical decision making tool, to help us maintain and continuously improve this information. Purchasing access will also provide you with exclusive learning content and regular updates to stay current with the cutting edge of myopia research evidence. Thank you for your support, and commitment to best practice myopia management for your young patients. You can download the infographic from the Resources Page.

Interested in learning more?

Check out our online course Myopia Management in Practice. The course compiles all of the blog and learning content on the Myopia Profile website into a structured easy to follow format, that you can follow at your own pace. The course is free to access and includes MCQ questions and discussion forums to help solidify your learning.

Kate profile thumbnail

About Kate

Dr Kate Gifford is a clinical optometrist, researcher, peer educator and professional leader from Brisbane, Australia, and a co-founder of Myopia Profile.

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