

A novel ring-focus soft contact lens design for myopia control

Two prototype myopia control soft contact lens designs with non-coaxial optics showed enhanced efficacy in one design and enhanced vision in the other, compared to dual-focus and single-vision designs. This initial data is for six months, and all myopia control contact lens designs showed close to 6/6 or 20/20 acuity equivalent.

How could man-made environments influence childhood development of myopia?

This study demonstrated that man-made indoor environments may provide a myopigenic effect from reduced illumination and spatial frequencies. More research is needed to confirm if the mechanism for form deprivation from reduced spatial frequencies in humans is similar to that found for animals, and what improvements can be made to indoor environments to offset the risk for myopia.

Frequency and prediction of myopic macular degeneration in adults

This Singapore study found that 10-12% of ALL adult myopes aged 40-80 years – not just high myopes – suffered either onset or progression of MMD over 12 years. Risk factors included each additional year of age and 1mm of axial length. The most significant predictive sign was tesselated fundus.

How does the myopic peripheral retina respond to multifocal contact lens wear?

Analysis of the BLINK study results showed a global more than localized impact on slowing eye growth in +2.50 CD multifocal contact lens wear. The slowed growth effects were greater centrally than peripherally. This suggests local defocus responses may not provide the full story behind myopia control mechanisms.

The effect of online learning on myopia progression

By using a wearable device to objectively monitor visual behaviour, this study found progression in young myopic children was correlated with less time outdoors, more time working at near for online learning and less time spent wearing their glasses.

A study of myopia progression in France

This large cohort study analysed myopic prescriptions from 136,333 French children and teens. Factors influencing myopia progression were found to include a child’s age, gender and refraction of their first optical correction. Children aged 7-10yrs showed the fastest progression.

Myopia incidence and progression in young adults

This cohort study from Australia reported a 14% incidence (onset) of myopia between ages 20 and 28, with almost 40% of myopes progressing by at least 0.50D. Axial length increase was also demonstrated. Risk factors were related to ethnicity, sex, sun exposure and parental myopia but not education level. This data advocates for active myopia management throughout the 20s.

The difficulty in identifying fast-progressing myopes based on prior progression

Prediction modelling for future myopic progression was found to be more accurate when factors such as age, sex and ethnicity were considered, rather than prior progression. Myopia management should be initiated when myopia is apparent regardless of prior progression, rather than waiting to assess the progression rate.