

August 2020 myopia research update

Race as a predictor of myopia progression in paediatric patients; Scleral cross-linking using Rose Bengal green light; Blink study results; Vision with multifocal CL in myopes and presbyopes; Influence of CN multifocal CL on VA in young myopes and presbyopes; Effect of high add OK lens designs on corneal hysteresis and ocular aberrations.

Evaluation of simulated orthokeratology in a soft contact lens for myopia control

Soft contact lenses designed to simulate the change in refraction optical pro-file from orthokeratology (OK) fail to slow axial eye elongation or change to refrac-tion over 1-year of wear in children, leading to suggestion that OK’s propensity to slow myopia progression may not be due to changes OK makes to optical profile.

Race as a predictor of myopia progression in paediatric patients

Myopia has multi-factorial causes with both nature and nurture contributing. In this research the authors used a retrospective cohort study to examine any differences in progression rate with different ethnicities and greater understand who may be at increased risk of myopic progression.

Scleral cross-linking using Rose Bengal green light

In myopia development the sclera is at risk of deformation due to increasing axial length progression. This research investigates whether cross-linking treatment could be used to stiffen the sclera as a way to restrict axial eye elongation.