

October 2020 myopia research update

The association between Near Work Activities and Myopia in Children, Growth curves to clinically monitor refractive development in Chinese schoolchildren and much more…

The association between near work activities and myopia in children

The visual demand of concentrating on close-up tasks like reading and studying are thought to be a driving force for increased myopia in children. To better understand this relationship the authors consolidated data from several studies to quantify the effect of near work activities on myopia in children and discover any association there may be between them.

Growth curves to clinically monitor refractive development in Chinese schoolchildren

Childhood refractive error is dictated by several factors including parental myopia and how much time they may spend outdoors each day. Influenced by these factors the shape and size of the eye constantly changes during growth with axial length most influenced as myopia increases. This longitudinal study sought to model these changes in Chinese children.

How increasing school leaving age influences myopia in adulthood

Education and myopia have had a long association, both anecdotally and from research findings with studies in general finding strong correlations with education and prolonged close work rather than a definite causative link. This study investigated the impact of education on refractive error by examining the relationship between increasing the school leaving age and myopia.

September 2020 myopia research update

Axial length growth and the risk of developing myopia in European children; Association of axial length with risk of uncorrectable visual impairment for Europeans with myopia; Accommodation is unrelated to myopia progression in Chinese myopic children; Prevalence of myopia among dissadvantaged Australian schoolchildren.

Axial length growth and the risk of developing myopia in European children

This population-based study set out to produce a percentile growth chart for axial length based on the data collected from European children and adults, and in doing so they found a stronger correlation between the refractive error and axial length in myopes compared to the same measurements in emmetropes.