October 2020 myopia research update

The association between Near Work Activities and Myopia in Children, Growth curves to clinically monitor refractive development in Chinese schoolchildren and much more…

September 2020 myopia research update

Axial length growth and the risk of developing myopia in European children; Association of axial length with risk of uncorrectable visual impairment for Europeans with myopia; Accommodation is unrelated to myopia progression in Chinese myopic children; Prevalence of myopia among dissadvantaged Australian schoolchildren.

August 2020 myopia research update

Race as a predictor of myopia progression in paediatric patients; Scleral cross-linking using Rose Bengal green light; Blink study results; Vision with multifocal CL in myopes and presbyopes; Influence of CN multifocal CL on VA in young myopes and presbyopes; Effect of high add OK lens designs on corneal hysteresis and ocular aberrations.

July 2020 myopia research update

Axial length and reduced macular sensitivity before changes in acuity; accommodation training in multifocal CL; predicting future myopia progression & using growth charts to track progression of myopia.

June 2020 myopia research update

This myopia research update features the Influence on parental myopia, CXL to maintain orthokeratology effect and the tapering of 1% atropine.

May 2020 myopia research update

SightGlass Vision, a clinical-stage R&D company focused on myopia solutions, have released some early data from the CYPRESS clinical trial.

April 2020 myopia research update

This month’s science update on all things myopia includes a myopia management strategy from Dutch researchers using growth charts and 0.5% atropine; genetic research; and atropine 0.01% influence on accommodation and pupil size.