
Contact lenses

Blur adaptation in children wearing orthokeratology

After 1 month of wearing orthokeratology lenses, children were shown to have reduced accommodative lag and increased blur sensitivity, leading to the suggestion that blur adaptation is conducive in achieving good visual acuities and visual function in ortho-k wear.

Time spent outdoors improves success with MiSight 1 day

This paper identified time spent outdoors as the key factor in predicting better myopia control outcomes in children wearing with MiSight 1 day contact lenses. Other factors which weren’t predictive included age, refraction, binocular vision findings, pupil size and time spent at near.

Do multi-zone myopia control lenses maintain their defocus profiles at all viewing distances?

This study showed that multi-zone spectacle and contact lenses used for myopia control provide myopic defocus at far distances. At near, changes in accommodative lag, pupil miosis and spherical aberration in individuals may mean there are lesser amounts of myopic defocus and reduced image quality. However, all the lenses were still able to provide sufficient image clarity at near for typical size print.

Dual focus contact lenses and near viewing

This study examines the effect that dual focus contact lenses have on accommodation and defocus during near viewing, and the results provide clues towards understanding the myopia control mechanism of these contact lenses.

The importance of myopia control soft contact lens design

Increasing power in a myopia control treatment zone of a multifocal soft contact lens can increase myopia control efficacy but negatively impact vision. This study is the first optical characterization of a novel design to improve this relationship between treatment zone power and vision quality.

How do lighting levels and contrast affect vision with multifocal contact lenses?

In young adult myopes, Biofinity centre-distance +2.50 Add and NaturalVue multifocal contact lenses both showed reduced visual acuity in lower lighting and low contrast conditions, and especially with a glare source, compared to single vision. Reading rate under normal lighting was also reduced by 4-8%. The multifocal designs performed similarly, although Biofinity required more over-refraction for best distance acuity.

How do myopia control contact lenses impact binocular vision?

This study showed that aspheric multifocal soft contact lenses (Biofinity +2.50D and NaturalVue) reduce accommodative response and increase exophoria, while MiSight concentric dual-focus minimally impacts binocular vision function compared to single vision contact lenses. All myopia control contact lenses increased divergence range slightly but did not impact convergence.