
Clinical management

What is the risk-to-benefit balance for myopia control contact lenses in children?

This study found the risk of microbial keratitis for children fitted with contact lenses for myopia control was less than the risk of visual impairment from myopia progression to over 3D or axial lengths exceeding 26mm. If worn throughout childhood, the extra benefits of myopia control contact lenses outweigh the risks of infection, especially if the lenses are daily disposable.

Frequency and prediction of myopic macular degeneration in adults

This Singapore study found that 10-12% of ALL adult myopes aged 40-80 years – not just high myopes – suffered either onset or progression of MMD over 12 years. Risk factors included each additional year of age and 1mm of axial length. The most significant predictive sign was tesselated fundus.

Myopia incidence and progression in young adults

This cohort study from Australia reported a 14% incidence (onset) of myopia between ages 20 and 28, with almost 40% of myopes progressing by at least 0.50D. Axial length increase was also demonstrated. Risk factors were related to ethnicity, sex, sun exposure and parental myopia but not education level. This data advocates for active myopia management throughout the 20s.

The difficulty in identifying fast-progressing myopes based on prior progression

Prediction modelling for future myopic progression was found to be more accurate when factors such as age, sex and ethnicity were considered, rather than prior progression. Myopia management should be initiated when myopia is apparent regardless of prior progression, rather than waiting to assess the progression rate.

Can previous progression predict future myopia?

The SCORM study analyzed the relationship between myopia progression a year after baseline and subsequent 2-year progression for myopic Singaporean children. Progression and age at baseline were found to be strongly associated with subsequent progression. However, they were shown to have limited predictive values and other factors are likely to determine future progression.

Can we predict success with orthokeratology?

This study investigated the accuracy of using pre-treatment axial elongation and changes in refractive sphere in predicting myopia control success in orthokeratology. Axial length was the more accurate method for categorisation of slow, moderate or rapid progression, and fast progressors benefited the most from ortho-k wear.

How we can identify future myopes

The axial length growth trajectories modelled in this study revealed that regardless of a child’s age, a myopic shift of at least -0.85D and/or 0.74mm over three years suggests future myopia development. Read more about specific risk factors for younger children, and other ocular component findings in this large study of European children.

Myopia control and no rebound with Highly Aspherical Lenslet spectacles

This cross-over study investigated children wearing highly aspherical lenslet (HAL) spectacle lenses versus single vision spectacles over three six-month periods. The HAL lenses showed consistent myopia control efficacy and no rebound effect when discontinued over one of the six-month periods.

Dry eye and myopia in teenagers

This abstract reported on the association between myopia and dry eye disease in teenagers. Interestingly, dry eye disease and reduced break up time was associated with higher myopia, but photophobia and pain were not.