What is the risk-to-benefit balance for myopia control contact lenses in children?

This study found the risk of microbial keratitis for children fitted with contact lenses for myopia control was less than the risk of visual impairment from myopia progression to over 3D or axial lengths exceeding 26mm. If worn throughout childhood, the extra benefits of myopia control contact lenses outweigh the risks of infection, especially if the lenses are daily disposable.

How to assess the efficacy of myopia control treatments

This landmark paper examines the theory underlying the reporting of myopia control efficacy and the sequelae of such investigation. The authors propose an alternate method of reporting efficacy; Cumulative Absolute Reduction in Axial Elongation (CARE), which conveys the benefit that a child receiving a specified treatment might expect, independent of age, progression rate, refractive error and ethnicity over a stated time period.