

When to prescribe spectacles for myopia control

Here we explore an overview of spectacle prescribing for myopia management – from when to use single vision, to progressive and bifocal designs, new myopia control specific designs, and whether to fully or under-correct.

When to prescribe Atropine for myopia control

Atropine can be used for myopia control as a monotherapy or as an adjunct to an optical intervention – we discuss patient selection, atropine combination treatments, how to taper and when to stop.

Complications in atropine compounding

Most atropine currently prescribed for myopia control is compounded. How could this influence consistency of treatment and research results? What could current research lead to in future prescribing? Read more here.

Systemic side effects of atropine

Systemic Side Effects of Atropine Eye Drops

As there are systemic side effects of atropine eye drops, they could be contraindicated in young patients with some conditions, syndromes, and when taking specific systemic medications. Medication safety is also discussed.

Could virtual reality be better for myopia than screens?

As technology evolves the next big change is likely to be Virtual Reality. Could we expect Virtual Reality to be better for myopia than our screens and smartphones of today? How will the artificially simulated visual environment of VR impact on children’s visual development? Let’s explore what we know and what we’re yet to learn.

Adult Myopia Progression

Adult Myopia Progression, and how to treat it

Adult myopia progression is frequently encountered in practice, yet we have almost no evidence base to guide management. Here we explore how often and how much myopia progression occurs in adulthood, and management options.

When to stop myopia control treatments

When to stop Myopia Control Treatments

Myopia control treatments can be tapered or stopped when it appears myopia progression is stabilizing.When should you stop myopia control treatments?

Prescribing for the Progressing Myope with Astigmatism

Whilst each individual child has their own circumstances and situation to consider when prescribing myopia control, children with astigmatism present a unique set of challenges when selecting the best option for not only slowing down the progression of their axial growth, but also providing them with good vision.