

What does extended depth of focus mean in contact lens designs?

Extended depth of focus (EDOF) designs in soft contact lenses are employed for presbyopia correction as well as myopia control. This article explores differences between contact lens designs which could be termed ‘multifocal’, and how this could factor into clinical outcomes.

The Topcon MYAH – Q&A with Mario Teufl

In our Q&A interview format, we talk to Mario Teufl, optometrist from Austria, who explains how he uses the Topcon MYAH in his practice for myopia management – from axial length to topography to dry eye and more.

The SightGlass DOT Lens – Q&A with Dr Sherman Tung

Our Q&A format explores new technologies, products and research with experts. In this interview, Dr Sherman Tung, optometrist from Canada, shares his experience with The SightGlass Vision DOT 0.2 Lens in his practice, from prescribing to parent explanations and clinical outcomes.

Understanding the new Essilor Stellest spectacle lens

Spectacle lenses which effectively control myopia progression are the next phase in widespread uptake of myopia management. Learn more about the Essilor Stellest lens, from myopia control to vision and visual function outcomes.

Model eyes in myopia management

You may have left the concept of a ‘model eye’ back in your student days – learn how understanding the ocular power components of the eye can be applied to clinical diagnosis and management decisions in childhood progressive myopia.

Optimizing safety in orthokeratology

Optimizing safety in orthokeratology is crucial for successful patient outcomes. Learn about compliance challenges in children wearing ortho-k and how to manage them, as well as the latest data on safety and rates of complications as reported from clinical studies.

Pupil myopia management

Pupils and myopia management: what we know and need to learn

What is the relationship between pupil size and myopia management? As the pupil controls the light input to the retina, does pupil size influence myopia risk or the response to myopia treatments? This review covers atropine’s influence on pupil size, the relationship with treatment zone size in orthokeratology, combination treatments and advice on normal outcomes.

The OCULUS Myopia Master in Action – Q&A with Max Aricochi

Our new Q&A format is designed to explore a particular clinical topic, intervention, product or research paper with an expert. Here, we explore the OCULUS Myopia Master with practical questions of how optometrist Max Aricochi uses it in his clinic in Austria. We also provide you some additional tips to help you put Max’s recommendations to use in your own practice.

Can we predict long-term efficacy from short-term outcomes?

Comparison of myopia control interventions shows that around half of the total efficacy is observed in the first 12 months. How can we use this knowledge to select and monitor the most suitable treatment for the individual child with myopia? Learn more here.