

Specs to contacts – what happens to BV?

Changing a myope from spectacle to contact lens wear can alter their binocular vision (BV) function. The myope reading through their spectacles experiences base-in prism at near, as demonstrated in the image above, which moves the image further away and decreases vergence demand.

Contact lenses for kids – paediatric, parent and practitioner psychology

When selecting an optical treatment for myopia management, contact lens options appear to be the most consistent, with OrthoK and multifocal soft contact lenses offering around a 50% efficacy for controlling refractive and axial change in myopia.1 And it’s not just the important benefit of modifying lifelong risk of vision impairment through successful myopia control which should be top of mind – contact lens wear for myopic children can offer significant immediate benefits to their self-perception and satisfaction with vision correction.

Contact lens safety in kids

A key barrier to contact lens wear in children is parental and practitioner concern about safety. The research indicates, though, that children may be the safest contact lens wearers – here we describe the statistics and how to approach clinical communication.

Myopia control – science or luck?

What causes myopic progression? Studies have attempted to find causative factors related to genetic, environmental, and behavioral influences including parental myopia, time spent outdoors, and hours of near work (reading, computer, video games).1

OrthoKeratology lens used for myopia control

Orthokeratology for myopia control – meta-analysis

Two meta-analysis papers were published in the first half of 2015, both from Chinese research groups. Meta-analysis requires specifying a search criteria which is then followed over a set period of time to include all papers and reports that are caught by the search criteria terms.