

Who are ideal candidates for orthokeratology?

The most important step in successful orthokeratology (ortho-k) fitting starts with identifying suitable candidates. From there, obtaining high-quality corneal topography maps, lens fitting, and adhering to an appropriate follow-up schedule define the process. If you’re getting started in orthokeratology, it’s a good idea to begin with a straightforward patient, such as those described below. This article will discuss who the ideal candidates are for ortho-k.

Three years of Menicon Bloom – Q&A with Peter Nijhuis

We speak to Peter Nijhuis, Division Head Myopia Management Business Division at Menicon about the Menicon Bloom comprehensive system for myopia management with contact lenses, and about three years of experience in the Netherlands with this landmark system.

What topography data do I need to fit orthokeratology lenses?

Orthokeratology fitting to children is increasing in frequency worldwide, due to its volume of evidence for myopia control. Learn what data inputs are needed and how to best use your topographer for accurate ortho-k lens design.

The Topcon MYAH – Q&A with Mario Teufl

In our Q&A interview format, we talk to Mario Teufl, optometrist from Austria, who explains how he uses the Topcon MYAH in his practice for myopia management – from axial length to topography to dry eye and more.

Optimizing safety in orthokeratology

Optimizing safety in orthokeratology is crucial for successful patient outcomes. Learn about compliance challenges in children wearing ortho-k and how to manage them, as well as the latest data on safety and rates of complications as reported from clinical studies.

Combination atropine orthokeratology

Combination atropine treatments: when more is more

Atropine is a treatment for myopia control, but do combination treatments such as with orthokeratology increase the efficacy? Learn about how well it works, which concentration, for whom it works best, side effects, treatment duration and more.

Kids and contact lenses – benefits, safety and getting to ‘yes’

There are numerous reasons why contact lenses are beneficial for children, and the safety profile is high. Yet there are still barriers in the mind of the practitioner, parent and young patient to childhood CL wear. Here we address these often cited barriers, with the goal to support your clinical communication on the benefits and safety of contact lenses for kids, to move towards achieving a ‘yes’ from the parent and patient.

Is orthokeratology useful for control of low myopia?

There’s a common clinical belief that orthokeratology doesn’t work as well in lower myopes for myopia control. This is even sometimes included in conference presentations as prescribing advice. Is orthokeratology useful for control of low myopia? Here’s what’s fact and what’s fiction, when considering its efficacy for low vs high myopia, and orthokeratology vs multifocal contact lens myopia control.

The esophoric myope and contact lenses

When it comes to contact lens corrections for young myopes, the impact of orthokeratology (OK) and multifocal soft contact lenses (MFSCL) on binocular vision is pertinent to visual comfort and understanding mechanisms of myopia progression and control.