
Clinical management

Adult Myopia Progression

Adult Myopia Progression, and how to treat it

Adult myopia progression is frequently encountered in practice, yet we have almost no evidence base to guide management. Here we explore how often and how much myopia progression occurs in adulthood, and management options.

When to stop myopia control treatments

When to stop Myopia Control Treatments

Myopia control treatments can be tapered or stopped when it appears myopia progression is stabilizing.When should you stop myopia control treatments?

Prescribing for the Progressing Myope with Astigmatism

Whilst each individual child has their own circumstances and situation to consider when prescribing myopia control, children with astigmatism present a unique set of challenges when selecting the best option for not only slowing down the progression of their axial growth, but also providing them with good vision.

Why Each Dioptre Matters

We all know that high myopia is associated with higher incidences of retinal detachment, glaucoma and myopic maculopathy1. Instigating early, evidence based myopia control in rapidly progressing myopes gives the best outcomes both pathophysiologically and refractively. However when faced with a low, slower progressing myope, or a patient whom has already progressed is there any point in persisting with myopia control?

An Ode To My Retinoscope

In May 2019 the professional journal Contact Lens Spectrum published my bi-annual ‘Refractive Focus’ column, entitled ‘An Ode to my Retinoscope’.

IMI – Clinical Management Guidelines Supplementary Digital Content

The landmark International Myopia Institute (IMI) White paper reports were published on 28 February 2019. As lead author on the Clinical Management Guidelines paper, I was thrilled to see the work of my 13 co-authors and I shared with a keen clinician audience worldwide.

Which option to slow myopia? New Clinical Management Infographic

We’re excited to release our new clear, concise and clinically relevant infographic Which option to slow myopia?to help you with what we have learnt is the main practitioner need in myopia management, and the most popular discussion topic in the Myopia Profile Facebook group – guidance in selecting the right treatment for your patient. A world first, evidence based decision making tool.