
Clinical management

The OCULUS Myopia Master in Action – Q&A with Max Aricochi

Our new Q&A format is designed to explore a particular clinical topic, intervention, product or research paper with an expert. Here, we explore the OCULUS Myopia Master with practical questions of how optometrist Max Aricochi uses it in his clinic in Austria. We also provide you some additional tips to help you put Max’s recommendations to use in your own practice.

Can we predict long-term efficacy from short-term outcomes?

Comparison of myopia control interventions shows that around half of the total efficacy is observed in the first 12 months. How can we use this knowledge to select and monitor the most suitable treatment for the individual child with myopia? Learn more here.

The latest from the IMI and what it means in practice

The International Myopia Institute released their Volume 1 of reports in 2019 and Volume 2 in 2021. Here, we explore the latest round of reports in 2021 and what they each mean for clinical practice.

When to start myopia control

When to start myopia management

Myopia is becoming more common, as knowledge on detection and management increase. When should you start myopia control? Here we present an overview of when you might start myopia management across the spectrum of patient presentations. Since every child and their family are unique, we also point you towards more information for each situation.

Predicting future myopia from axial length

Predicting future myopia from axial length

Most clinicians are aware of myopia risk factors such as family history and visual environment, but how about axial length? This article explores how we can use the current axial length value, change in axial length, axial length growth charts, and another metric, the axial-length-to-corneal-radius (AL/CR ratio), to predict risk of a child developing myopia.

Understanding on and off label prescribing

Understanding on- and off-label prescribing

What does on-label and off-label prescribing mean in myopia management? Here we explore this topic from the point of view of medications and medical devices, what regulatory approvals mean and how this applies to decision making and clinical processes such as informed consent.

minimise overcorrection avoid pseudomyopia

What is pseudomyopia? Avoiding overcorrection in children

How can we identify pseudomyopia? The IMI defines myopia as -0.50D or more when accommodation is relaxed. Yet recent data indicates that a quarter of 6-year-olds may present as myopic when they’re in fact exhibiting pseudomyopia. Explore more on this topic and how to relax accommodation for accurate refractions in children.

Putting Myopia Management Standard Of Care Into Action

In 2021, the World Council of Optometry (WCO) passed a resolution that publicly declares support for myopia management as standard of care. Since then, CooperVision has supported the WCO to empower eye care professionals to put this into action, with a multilingual online resource launched and more being added throughout 2022. Explore and learn more here.

Monocular Myopia Management

Monocular Myopia Management: unilateral and anisometropic myopia

How should you best manage children with unilateral or anisometropic myopia? Learn about what drives aniso-myopic development, associations with amblyopia and ocular pathology, and the evidence base for orthokeratology to slow aniso-myopic eye growth.

How much axial length growth is normal?

What amount of axial length growth be expected in myopes versus emmetropes, and how can you tell if your myopia control treatment is working? This important clinical reference provides all this information and more on axial growth in younger and older children, emmetropes and myopes, and even data on typical myopia stabilization.