Does pregnancy influence myopia?

HWN presented this case involving a 32-year-old woman whose myopia onset after having her first child and had progressed since.

Thinking beyond myopia – managing the very high childhood myope

Children with more than 5-6D of myopia can require special consideration to ensure safe management of their ocular and systemic health. This clinical case details important aspects of care for the very high childhood myope: ophthalmology co-management, best optical corrections, parental education and eye health monitoring.

Managing a myopic anisometropic amblyopic child

This case is not your typical astigmatic myope. There are several features to this patient that require careful consideration, including high myopia, amblyopia, myopia correction and control, and eye health management.

Selecting a contact lens for astigmatic myopia

A clinical case of high astigmatism with myopia was discussed, where the author STW faced a myopia managing dilemma for a patient whose myopia and astigmatism exceeded the parameters of the more common forms of myopia control with contact lenses.

Upper age for myopia management

The question on the upper age for commencing myopia management, and when to cease myopia management, was raised in this post. The links referenced in the post are discussed below.

Is your myopia strategy just OK?

For me, I would need more information before jumping in one strategy versus another, based only on the myopia progression and the script. Here is my thinking process to define a strategy for myopia control.

My journey into myopia control

This blog retraces my personal journey into myopia control and explains why I believe that this is the most important development for optometry that has taken place during my career.