Retinal detachment in children

Retinal detachment is not a condition which only affects adults. This case of a 12-year-old high myope with an asymptomatic retinal detachment and hole forms the basis for discussion of factors, frequency of types and treatment outcomes in childhood retinal detachment. The myopia control strategy is also discussed.

Getting started – choosing a treatment for fast myopia progressors

Myopia control is vital for children with fast myopia progression. What are the key risk factors for faster myopia progression? What clinical findings indicate a more proactive myopia management strategy may be required? This case describes risk factors and evidence-based treatment options for fast myopia progressors.

Is axial length regression possible?

Axial length typically increases in children, and myopia control aims to slow this excessive growth. Can axial length regression or reduction be possible in myopia control? In this case study, an 8-year-old appears to show a large reduction in axial length. We investigate possible causes and provide clinical guidance on measurement accuracy.

Is it really fast progressing myopia, or something else?

In this case, a 14-year-old was found to be far less myopic than their refraction and terrifyingly fast progression suggested, thanks to careful diagnosis. Learn what didn’t add up and how utilizing technology o measure the ocular components helped to solve the puzzling clinical case.

Enhancing Near Vision With MiSight 1 day

MiSight 1 day is a dual focus optical design. Does this affect children’s near vision? What can be done to manage any issues with near vision as noticed by wearers? Read more about expectations and adaptation.

Why MiSight 1 day is not a multifocal contact lens

MiSight 1 day is a dual focus contact lens – it’s not a multifocal as it does not provide an ‘add’ at near. When considering a first correction for a young myope, how should we prioritize both myopia correction and control? Read more in this case.

Can we reconsider contact lenses?

Contact lenses offer numerous functional, psychological and myopia controlling benefits for children. What should you do if a parent or patient says no to contact lenses for their child, and you consider it an ideal option? How can you approach communication to convey the safety and benefits?

The NaturalVue Multifocal Contact Lens – Astigmatism ‘masking’ or ‘correcting’?

When prescribing myopia controlling contact lenses for children, daily disposables are the safest modality. Only spherical corrections are available, though, which can impact lens selection for children with astigmatism. The NaturalVue Multifocal contact lens is suggested for up to 2D of astigmatism, much higher than is typical for spherical CL designs. Is is ‘masking’ astigmatism, or ‘partially correcting’ it instead?