Axial length measurement in myopia management – how often and how much change is normal?

How frequently should we measure axial length in myopia management practice, and how should it best direct our treatment strategy? Here we discuss how axial length change is related to refraction and ethnicity, and how to determine whether an axial length change is normal due to emmetropization or indicating myopia progression.

Patient progressing after treatment withdraw therapy myopia worse

Myopia Rebound: Back with a Vengeance

You may be ready to cease treatment, or the patient has done so of their own accord. Then you observe that the rate of myopic progression accelerates again – a myopia rebound effect. When does this happen? Can you avoid it? What should you consider doing in practice?

When to prescribe spectacles for myopia control

Here we explore an overview of spectacle prescribing for myopia management – from when to use single vision, to progressive and bifocal designs, new myopia control specific designs, and whether to fully or under-correct.

Atropine, engaging with science and responsible practice – with Prof Karla Zadnik

Professor Karla Zadnik, Dean of the Ohio State University College of Optometry in the USA,, discusses the Childhood Atropine for Myopia Progression (CHAMP) study, engaging with the literature, her favourite papers and an alternative take on myopia control as standard of care.

Which atropine dosage should I prescribe for myopia control?

The research information on using atropine for myopia control is evolving. Previous research indicated 0.01% atropine was best, but newer research says otherwise. In this clinical case, practitioners discuss treatment strategies, which are put in research context with clinical pearls for practice.

Should I fit orthokeratology to a potential keratoconic?

MCS was hesitating fitting OrthoK to a patient who showed inferior corneal steepening. Her main concern was that OrthoK may induce corneal ecstasia/keratoconus in the future and whether there is a link between OrthoK and keratoconus.

When to stop myopia control treatments

When to stop Myopia Control Treatments

Myopia control treatments can be tapered or stopped when it appears myopia progression is stabilizing.When should you stop myopia control treatments?

Does pregnancy influence myopia?

HWN presented this case involving a 32-year-old woman whose myopia onset after having her first child and had progressed since.

Thinking beyond myopia – managing the very high childhood myope

Children with more than 5-6D of myopia can require special consideration to ensure safe management of their ocular and systemic health. This clinical case details important aspects of care for the very high childhood myope: ophthalmology co-management, best optical corrections, parental education and eye health monitoring.