Adult-onset myopia: measurement and management

Myopia which onsets in childhood usually stabilizes in the early twenties. How should we manage adult-onset myopia and progression? This case investigates factors, diagnostic measurements and management of adult-onset myopia.

Considering The Individual In Myopia Control

Considering the individual in myopia management

How can you improve your success and strategies in myopia management? Considering the individual’s family situation and risk factors is key to providing the ideal solution that will ensure suitability and compliance.

Monocular Myopia Management

Monocular Myopia Management: unilateral and anisometropic myopia

How should you best manage children with unilateral or anisometropic myopia? Learn about what drives aniso-myopic development, associations with amblyopia and ocular pathology, and the evidence base for orthokeratology to slow aniso-myopic eye growth.

Managing unilateral myopia

Unilateral myopia can present a challenge to both myopia correction and control choices. In this case study, learn about which interventions have evidence for myopia control and reducing anisometropia, as well as the considerations for monocular versus binocular correction and treatment.

Is it myopia progression or early keratoconus?

How would you manage a progressing myope with early keratoconus? In this case, refractive progression of myopia was not just due to axial elongation, and astute repeated measurement of both the corneal curvature and axial length helped with accurate diagnosis.

Selecting an option: Clinical Decision Trees in myopia management

There is no one-size-fits-all when prescribing for childhood myopia control. Which option should you choose? In this important reference article, we ask you to consider three key questions which form clinical decision trees in myopia management.

Atropine – wonder or weak treatment?

Atropine has been the apparent hero of myopia management since the 2006 ATOM1 study, and since then, low concentration 0.01% atropine has become the new hero and then fallen out of favour. This article describes how lower concentrations work to balance efficacy and side effects, which should we select now, and what newer research on formulations and combinations can tell us.

Four reasons why binocular vision matters in myopia management

Binocular vision is a much neglected (and even maligned?) domain of eye care where I’ve had numerous colleagues say their professional excitement and learning opportunities have been reinvigorated through seeing the clinical imperative and application in practice. Not only does binocular vision assessment add so much more to your clinical picture, and make optometric life more interesting, it could be the secret sauce that helps us bridge the gap towards 100% efficacy.