Orthokeratology lens wear in lagophthalmos

Can a teen with lagophthalmos wear orthokeratology lenses? This case discusses the staining frequency in orthokeratology wear, the impact of lubricant eye drops and lens hygiene processes, and more tips for patient care.

Complex myopia cases: unilateral myopia with high astigmatism

Managing unilateral myopia with high astigmatism is complex, especially with reduced acuity. Is myopia control the best approach? Myopia correction versus myopia control is discussed in this case, along with further assessments and considerations in management.

Can orthokeratology be used to slow the progression of anisomyopia?

This meta-analysis investigated the effectiveness of orthokeratology in controlling the progression of anisomyopia (unilateral myopia or bilateral anisomyopia) in Chinese children. Total anisomyopia decreased at 2-year follow up, indicating orthokeratology may be a safe clinical method to slow myopia progression coupled with reducing interocular axial length difference. 

Combination atropine orthokeratology

Combination atropine treatments: when more is more

Atropine is a treatment for myopia control, but do combination treatments such as with orthokeratology increase the efficacy? Learn about how well it works, which concentration, for whom it works best, side effects, treatment duration and more.

Can using atropine enhance myopia control with orthokeratology?

This meta-analysis of 5 studies of 1, 6 and 12 months duration found that slower axial growth is evident when using orthokeratology in conjunction with atropine as a combined therapy compared to orthokeratology alone. A slowing effect of 0.09mm was seen with the combined approach for up to a 12 month follow-up period. Longer data was not available for the meta-analysis.

Adult-onset myopia: measurement and management

Myopia which onsets in childhood usually stabilizes in the early twenties. How should we manage adult-onset myopia and progression? This case investigates factors, diagnostic measurements and management of adult-onset myopia.

How common is microbial keratitis in children wearing orthokeratology?

The risk of microbial keratitis (MK) in orthokeratology-wearing children was shown in a 2013 analysis to be around 14 per 10,000 patient wearing years, but new data indicates that it may be lower. Data gathered from a large group of practices in Russia found MK risk of around 5 per 10,000 patient-wearing years, similar to the risk of daily wear soft lenses. This should increase confidence in fitting orthokeratology to children for myopia control.

How can we promote safety in orthokeratology?

Many orthokeratology-related adverse events are due to poor compliance and hygiene processes. This case demonstrates the importance of patient discussion and provides guidance on key steps to promote safety in orthokeratology wear.

When myopia management is not working after COVID-19 home confinement

During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments imposed home confinement and school-based learning was the normal. Has this caused more myopia? In this clinical case, the unique environment of lockdown is explored in view of myopia management outcomes.

Monocular Myopia Management

Monocular Myopia Management: unilateral and anisometropic myopia

How should you best manage children with unilateral or anisometropic myopia? Learn about what drives aniso-myopic development, associations with amblyopia and ocular pathology, and the evidence base for orthokeratology to slow aniso-myopic eye growth.