The latest from the IMI and what it means in practice

The International Myopia Institute released their Volume 1 of reports in 2019 and Volume 2 in 2021. Here, we explore the latest round of reports in 2021 and what they each mean for clinical practice.

IMI 2021 Yearly Digest

The IMI 2021 Yearly Digest summarized recent updates and progress in research of myopia, taking in all publications since the IMI Volume One reports published in early 2019. Each of the Volume One reports included an update – definitions, interventions, genetics, experimental models, clinical trial guidance, ethical considerations and clinical management. While further research is needed, the strengthening evidence base indicates eye care practitioners should embrace proactive myopia management.

IMI Report on Prevention of myopia and its progression

In myopic children, interventions to slow progression are warranted to prevent the development of high myopia and subsequent pathology and also to reduce the economic burden caused by uncorrected and pathologic myopia. This IMI Report describes the latest advice on preventing the development and progression of myopia – read the summary here.

IMI Report on Accommodation and Binocular Vision in Myopia Development and Progression

This paper has found there are numerous correlations but only weak evidence to demonstrate a causal link between accommodation and myopia development. Assessment of the young myope’s accommodation and binocular vision function is still important. More understanding of the underlying mechanisms for myopia is needed in order to develop evidence-based interventions.

IMI Report on Risk Factors for Myopia

This report details non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors for myopia. Of the latter, Increasing the time children spend outside is an evidence-based intervention for myopia management. Near work is also a risk factor, although the causal relationship is less clear and future research with objective measures will provided more guidance on targeted clinical interventions.

IMI Report on Impact of Myopia

This IMI Report discusses the prevalence of myopia and its impact on both the individual and society. It highlights gaps in our understanding of myopia and provides evidence to support and advocate for developing appropriate approaches and policies to manage myopia. Read the summary here.

When to start myopia control

When to start myopia management

Myopia is becoming more common, as knowledge on detection and management increase. When should you start myopia control? Here we present an overview of when you might start myopia management across the spectrum of patient presentations. Since every child and their family are unique, we also point you towards more information for each situation.

A future high myope: diagnosis with axial length

This case study explores clinical data for a 7-year-old child whose refractive error and axial length is changing at an alarming rate. How can we best determine the rate of progression and set our management plans, using axial length?

Managing the non-myopic eye in unilateral myopia

If your patient is a unilateral myope, sometimes the myopic eye is the easier one to manage! This case study explores the options to appropriately diagnose, track and manage the non-myopic eye in a unilateral myope – where the non-myopic eye seems to be progressing faster than the myopic eye treated with orthokeratology.