Upper age for myopia management

The question on the upper age for commencing myopia management, and when to cease myopia management, was raised in this post. The links referenced in the post are discussed below.

Why Each Dioptre Matters

We all know that high myopia is associated with higher incidences of retinal detachment, glaucoma and myopic maculopathy1. Instigating early, evidence based myopia control in rapidly progressing myopes gives the best outcomes both pathophysiologically and refractively. However when faced with a low, slower progressing myope, or a patient whom has already progressed is there any point in persisting with myopia control?

IMC2019 Part 2 – Axial Lengths and Myopia Calculators

Welcome to Part 2 of 4 fabulous updates from the 2019 biannual International Myopia Conference! Read on for more about predicting axial length growth, refractive growth and translating statistics into real world progression. Mark and Noel’s latest research on understanding myopia control efficacy is described below.