Understanding RingBoost technology in soft contact lenses

The evolution of soft contact lens design from myopia control has come from presbyopia designs to a variety of options today. The newest design is concentric annular zones with noncoaxial relative plus power, called RingBoost technology. The aim is to deliver a high level of relative plus power for increased myopia control efficacy with minimal visual impact – learn more here.

Is there a dose response in myopia control?

A dose-response is where an increasing amount of a medication or intervention is correlated with a better clinical outcome. When it comes to myopia control, we investigate the evidence for a dose-response with spectacle, contact lens, atropine and outdoor time interventions.

What does extended depth of focus mean in contact lens designs?

Extended depth of focus (EDOF) designs in soft contact lenses are employed for presbyopia correction as well as myopia control. This article explores differences between contact lens designs which could be termed ‘multifocal’, and how this could factor into clinical outcomes.

A novel ring-focus soft contact lens design for myopia control

Two prototype myopia control soft contact lens designs with non-coaxial optics showed enhanced efficacy in one design and enhanced vision in the other, compared to dual-focus and single-vision designs. This initial data is for six months, and all myopia control contact lens designs showed close to 6/6 or 20/20 acuity equivalent.

Do multi-zone myopia control lenses maintain their defocus profiles at all viewing distances?

This study showed that multi-zone spectacle and contact lenses used for myopia control provide myopic defocus at far distances. At near, changes in accommodative lag, pupil miosis and spherical aberration in individuals may mean there are lesser amounts of myopic defocus and reduced image quality. However, all the lenses were still able to provide sufficient image clarity at near for typical size print.

How do lighting levels and contrast affect vision with multifocal contact lenses?

In young adult myopes, Biofinity centre-distance +2.50 Add and NaturalVue multifocal contact lenses both showed reduced visual acuity in lower lighting and low contrast conditions, and especially with a glare source, compared to single vision. Reading rate under normal lighting was also reduced by 4-8%. The multifocal designs performed similarly, although Biofinity required more over-refraction for best distance acuity.

IMI Report on Prevention of myopia and its progression

In myopic children, interventions to slow progression are warranted to prevent the development of high myopia and subsequent pathology and also to reduce the economic burden caused by uncorrected and pathologic myopia. This IMI Report describes the latest advice on preventing the development and progression of myopia – read the summary here.