Long term myopia control efficacy of MiSight 1 Day

After the 3-year MiSight 1 day clinical trial, the control group children were switched to MiSight. A ‘virtual control group’ mathematical model, previously published, was utilized to demonstrate a continued myopia control effect across six years, plus effectiveness of treatment for children who commenced wear at age 11-15 years.

Understanding the NaturalVue multifocal contact lens

The NaturalVue Multifocal contact lens by Visioneering Technologies, Inc, is a daily disposable contact lens for myopia control. This blog explores the optical profile, proposed mechanism and research evidence for the NaturalVue, along with its application in practice.

Optimizing distance vision with MiSight 1 day

Why might a patient experience blurred distance vision with MiSight 1 day contact lenses? Lens fit, centration, prescription and adaptation can all feature. Learn more about the frequency and management of these cases, including the reported outcomes in scientific studies.

Kids and contact lenses – benefits, safety and getting to ‘yes’

There are numerous reasons why contact lenses are beneficial for children, and the safety profile is high. Yet there are still barriers in the mind of the practitioner, parent and young patient to childhood CL wear. Here we address these often cited barriers, with the goal to support your clinical communication on the benefits and safety of contact lenses for kids, to move towards achieving a ‘yes’ from the parent and patient.

Which contact lens should we choose for sports?

If a child is wearing spectacles or using atropine as their primary myopia control treatment, which contact lens should we choose for sports? Is a myopia controlling contact lens needed if it will only be for occasional wear? Here we discuss the options and clinical considerations based on the individual patient.

Do pseudophakic children need myopia control?

How does the normal emmetropization process in childhood influence refraction shifts in pseudophakes? Should a myopic shift in a pseudophakic child be viewed as myopia progression? How should they be managed and is myopia control needed? This blog covers important considerations in managing these atypical myopes.

Myopia control efficacy of MiSight 1 day over six years

In this review we explore the 6-year results for MiSight 1 day recently presented at the 2020 American Academy of Optometry meeting. Based on the abstract, children who were older at initial fitting (11-15 years) progressed similarly over 3 years to matched children who were treated for 6 years, indicating that older children could still gain a treatment effect from MiSight 1 day.

A myope or not? Pseudomyopia, antimetropia and more

Refraction can be challenging in children, and even more so in a complex presentation as for this case. Is this patient a myope or not? When dealing with a complex case of pseudomyopia, antimetropia and latent hyperopia, all in one patient – how should we manage the patient? The answer involves balancing goals to manage ametropia correction, binocular vision function and myopia control.