The association between near work activities and myopia in children

The visual demand of concentrating on close-up tasks like reading and studying are thought to be a driving force for increased myopia in children. To better understand this relationship the authors consolidated data from several studies to quantify the effect of near work activities on myopia in children and discover any association there may be between them.

Could virtual reality be better for myopia than screens?

As technology evolves the next big change is likely to be Virtual Reality. Could we expect Virtual Reality to be better for myopia than our screens and smartphones of today? How will the artificially simulated visual environment of VR impact on children’s visual development? Let’s explore what we know and what we’re yet to learn.

Thinking beyond myopia – managing the very high childhood myope

Children with more than 5-6D of myopia can require special consideration to ensure safe management of their ocular and systemic health. This clinical case details important aspects of care for the very high childhood myope: ophthalmology co-management, best optical corrections, parental education and eye health monitoring.

ARVO 2018 – Part 1

The annual Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) conference moved off mainland America to Hawaii for the first time in May 2018.

ARVO 2018 – Part 2

With over 10,000 attendees and thousands of research posters, papers and symposiums presented over 5 days, it was a mind blowing nerdy extravaganza. Here are a bunch of cutting edge research pieces which I posted to the Myopia Profile Facebook group at the time.

ARVO 2018 – Part 3

Discover the latest research from the annual Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) conference. Find our more in our part 3 article.