Combination atropine orthokeratology

Combination atropine treatments: when more is more

Atropine is a treatment for myopia control, but do combination treatments such as with orthokeratology increase the efficacy? Learn about how well it works, which concentration, for whom it works best, side effects, treatment duration and more.

The LAMP Study data over three years: 0.05% atropine leads and minimally rebounds

The Low-Concentration Atropine for Myopia Progression (LAMP) Study has provided invaluable data on comparisons between 0.05%, 0.025% and 0.01% atropine treatment. The three year data has shown 0.05% to be most effective for continued treatment, while children discontinued showed a small, ‘clinically insignificant’ rebound effect. Learn more about the one, two and three year LAMP data here.

Can using atropine enhance myopia control with orthokeratology?

This meta-analysis of 5 studies of 1, 6 and 12 months duration found that slower axial growth is evident when using orthokeratology in conjunction with atropine as a combined therapy compared to orthokeratology alone. A slowing effect of 0.09mm was seen with the combined approach for up to a 12 month follow-up period. Longer data was not available for the meta-analysis.

When myopia management is not working after COVID-19 home confinement

During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments imposed home confinement and school-based learning was the normal. Has this caused more myopia? In this clinical case, the unique environment of lockdown is explored in view of myopia management outcomes.

A monocular myope with coloboma

An 8-year-old child is essentially monocular, due to unilateral high myopia associated with coloboma. The normally sighted eye has low myopia. How should we best balance safety and proactive myopia control in such a case?

Managing unilateral myopia

Unilateral myopia can present a challenge to both myopia correction and control choices. In this case study, learn about which interventions have evidence for myopia control and reducing anisometropia, as well as the considerations for monocular versus binocular correction and treatment.

Combining atropine and orthokeratology for a fast progressing myope

In this clinical case, the practitioner is considering whether to start a young patient on a monotherapy or go straight to combination treatment. The discussion includes the recent studies on combination treatment and the best approach for utilizing atropine in view of orthokeratology wear.

Atropine – wonder or weak treatment?

Atropine has been the apparent hero of myopia management since the 2006 ATOM1 study, and since then, low concentration 0.01% atropine has become the new hero and then fallen out of favour. This article describes how lower concentrations work to balance efficacy and side effects, which should we select now, and what newer research on formulations and combinations can tell us.

Retinal detachment in children

Retinal detachment is not a condition which only affects adults. This case of a 12-year-old high myope with an asymptomatic retinal detachment and hole forms the basis for discussion of factors, frequency of types and treatment outcomes in childhood retinal detachment. The myopia control strategy is also discussed.

Getting started – choosing a treatment for fast myopia progressors

Myopia control is vital for children with fast myopia progression. What are the key risk factors for faster myopia progression? What clinical findings indicate a more proactive myopia management strategy may be required? This case describes risk factors and evidence-based treatment options for fast myopia progressors.