When to prescribe spectacles for myopia control

Here we explore an overview of spectacle prescribing for myopia management – from when to use single vision, to progressive and bifocal designs, new myopia control specific designs, and whether to fully or under-correct.

Atropine, engaging with science and responsible practice – with Prof Karla Zadnik

Professor Karla Zadnik, Dean of the Ohio State University College of Optometry in the USA,, discusses the Childhood Atropine for Myopia Progression (CHAMP) study, engaging with the literature, her favourite papers and an alternative take on myopia control as standard of care.

Could virtual reality be better for myopia than screens?

As technology evolves the next big change is likely to be Virtual Reality. Could we expect Virtual Reality to be better for myopia than our screens and smartphones of today? How will the artificially simulated visual environment of VR impact on children’s visual development? Let’s explore what we know and what we’re yet to learn.

Spectacle lenses for myopia control Part 2: Back ups and dispensing

There’s a little more to think about in the important role spectacle lenses play in myopia management. Even if we prescribe contact lenses, our young myopes are most likely to need a back up spectacle lens option. Children prescribed atropine will need the best spectacle lens prescribed for them to minimise the impact of any side effects.