The ‘why’ of myopia control

It is commonly understood that myopia prevalence is growing globally. By 2050, it is predicted that half of the world’s population – five billion people – will be myopic, with nearly one billion at risk of myopia related ocular pathology. The late Brien Holden was a champion of ensuring myopia is placed on the world health agenda – high myopia is strongly linked to higher risk of cataract, retinal detachment and myopic maculopathy, and increasing rates of vision impairment and blindness due to the latter are already evident in Asian countries.

ARVO 2018 – Part 1

The annual Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) conference moved off mainland America to Hawaii for the first time in May 2018.

ARVO 2018 – Part 2

With over 10,000 attendees and thousands of research posters, papers and symposiums presented over 5 days, it was a mind blowing nerdy extravaganza. Here are a bunch of cutting edge research pieces which I posted to the Myopia Profile Facebook group at the time.

ARVO 2018 – Part 3

Discover the latest research from the annual Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) conference. Find our more in our part 3 article.

International Myopia Conference 2017 Part 1

The session topics covered prevalence, progression and risk factors of myopia, mechanisms such as light exposure and visual pathways, optical and pharmacological methods of myopia control, genetics, clinical trial considerations, myopic eye shape and accommodation and binocularity.

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Clinical Myopia Management (Lecture)

This one hour lecture, delivered to final year QUT optometry students in August 2017, covers the ‘why’ of myopia control.

Prescribing adds for near esophoria

From a myopia control point of view, esophoria and accommodative lag are the key clinical red flags in assessing your patient’s visual efficiency, and thankfully both will usually respond positively to a near addition.

Assessing near phoria

Kate describes near heterophoria to her patients as where their eyes aim in space – the posture of their vergence system – and esophoria is our key enemy in the myopia control battle.