My patient, my life, their care: the timeless, perpetual thirst for knowledge in the field of eyecare


It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single person in possession of an intelligent mind, must be attempting to juggle it all in their lives. For you and I, as eyecare practitioners, it means to balance the needs of our patients, our work, our families, and our work/life balance in harmony. In the field of eyecare, in order to be our best selves, we are driven by this perpetual thirst for knowledge that can be applied for practical benefit for our patients.

There is an unattributed, simple, yet profound, quote that reads, ‘The greatest lesson I have learned in life is that I still have a lot to learn.’

We need time in our lives to mold and create our best selves in the eyecare field. Finding the time to do this, along with learning from and discussing best practice care with our colleagues, is a tricky business and while a vast amount of digital access to this information is available, more is needed. We need time travel devices - top quality information which buys you time by highlighting emerging, important, ‘must know’ education in a succinct manner to assist you in the eyecare field, and thus serves to make it easier to create a better balance in all aspects of your life. We need helpful guides to how we can improve our clinical care; insightful, well-researched and easily digestible volumes of information, which draw out the practical applications of relevant, important changes in our field, and showcase how it may be applied to patients in your practice.

This was the inspiration behind my bi-monthly column in Mivision, called Mipatient, and the topic I thought most important to focus on for its maiden article was myopia control

Here is the link to the article: MYOPIA CONTROL. MY TAKE ON IT.

Margaret Lam Optometrist Sydney

About Margaret

Margaret Lam is a clinical optometrist in Sydney, Australia with passionate interests in specialty contact lenses, practice management and patient communication. She is a frequent advisor to the contact lens industry and an optometry educator and speaker, an adjunct senior lecturer at the School of Optometry and Vision Sciences at UNSW, mother of two and an aspiring paper lunch-bag artiste.

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